This machine is especially designed for multifunction operations

Key configuration :
  1. Tray in - Tray out
  2. Tray in - Tape out
  3. Tape in - Tape out
  4. Tube in - Tape out
  5. Tube in - Tube out
  6. Bowl input
  7. Bulk output
  8. Programming units
  9. Tester
  10. Vision
  11. Coplanarity
Popular customer’s application :
  1. Automated programming operation up to 8 sockets
  2. Coplanarity
  3. Testing of electrical devices
  4. Assembly process
  5. Sorting process
  6. Coplanarity test

    Typical components to be handled :
  7. All kind of electronic devices
  8. Stamped parts
  9. Small mechanical devices
  10. Medical devices
  11. Automotive devices
  12. Watch parts
NANO Pick & Place

Associated modules :

  • MB872 Tape & Reel module
  • TFA Tube feeder Module
  • BFA Bowl feeder module
  • Automatic tray Stacker
  • Tape In dereeler
  • Tube Out unloader

NANO Pick & Place

NANO Pick & Place


Your   partner   in   modular   automation